An Award to Goldie

Everyone in Zorro’s Zecurity is cheering, the company has grown 500% and is breaking all records and Goldie has been voted Business Dog of the Year by the Pedigree Club. Her picture is on the cover of “Moments” Magazine.

Goldie is getting the coveted Toff Award of 1000 tins of Toff’s Select and she has requested bacon flavor.

I thought the award was to feed deserving street dogs, and when I objected, the Pedigree Club officials called me petty and jealous, so I shut up. “Goldie is deserving,” they said, “and she has been walking on streets, so what is your problem? Can’t you recognize greatness?”

Goldie gave a big speech and thanked first and foremost Toff, the Pedigree Club, the talented employees of Zorro’s Zecurity and the people that trusted her to lead Zorro’s Zecurity into greatness. “I remain humble,” she said at the end and everyone cheered and applauded. Then she and the Pedigree Club went off to a celebratory dinner.

Zorro was not invited.